Các Giáo Thọ SưPhật Giáo Hoa Kỳ gửi thư ngỏ đến Tổng thống Obama
14/11/20143:41 CH(Xem: 20049)
Tổng thống Barack Obama họp với Tổng thống MIến Điện Thein Sein tại tòa nhà Quốc Hội Miến Điện in Rangoon, Burma, Nov. 19, 2012. By Pete Souza - whitehouse.gov. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Sáng nay, hàng trăm vị giáo thọ sưPhật giáo phương Tây đã gửi một bức thư ngỏ đến Tổng thống Obama, yêu cầu ông hãy quan tâm đến người Hồi giáo Miến Điện.
Tổng thống Obama sẽ thăm Miến Điện trong hai tuần để tham dự hai hội nghị thượng đỉnh khu vực. Trong khi đó, tổng thống có kế hoạch tổ chức một cuộc họp thị trấn kiểu town-hall meeting để thảo luận về bạo lực và dân chủ với thanh niên Miến Điện. Đây là chuyến đi đầu tiên của ông đến Miến Điện kể từ năm 2012, khi ông đến thăm chúc mừng Chính phủ về cải cáchdân chủ của họ. Theo tờ New York Times đưa tin hôm thứ Sáu, những cải cách đã thành cônghạn chế.
Vào sáng thứ Sáu, 6/11/2014 tờ New York Times đăng một bài tổng quan về bạo lực và dẫn đến cuộc khủng hoảng người tị nạn ở Miến Điện, bao gồm phân tích về những gì nó có nghĩa giúp cho toà bạch Ốc hiểu.
Trong bức thư ngỏ, Kornfield và 380 giáo thọ sưPhật giáo khác đã trình bày với Tổng thống Obama như là để "thể hiện mối quan tâm đối với người Hồi giáo Miến Điện,":
Tổng thống Barack Obama
Tòa Bạch Ốc
Washington, DC.
Đề mục: Thúc giục Ngài giải quyết bạo lực chống Hồi giáo tại hội nghị Asean sắp tới ở Miến Điện
Kính thưa Tổng thống Obama,
Chúng tôi là 381 giáo thọ sưPhật giáo ở Mỹ đại diện cho một cộng đồng lớn rất quan ngại về tình trạng bạo lực ngày càng gia tăng chống Hồi giáo ở Myanmar và khắp châu Á, và hoàn cảnh của 1,3 triệu người Rohingya, nhiều người buộc phải sống trái vớiý muốn của họ trong các trại giam khu nhà ổ chuột vô nhân đạo.
Chúng tôi biết ngài đã hỗ trợ cho tất cả người dân Miến Điện và đã khuyến khích một nền hòa bình và hòa giải trên đất nước của họ.
Chuyến thăm sắp tới Miến Điện của ngài là một cơ hội quan trọng để tăng cườngnăng lực của ngài như là một sứ giả hòa bình. Chúng tôi mong ngài hãy một lần nữa bày tỏ mối quan tâm đối với người Hồi giáo và những người Rohingya của Miến Điện trong các bài phát biểucông khai cũng như trong các cam kết ngoại giao của ngài ở đó. Chúng tôi tin rằng ngài có thể làm được một cách tích cực, tôn vinh di sản đức khoan dung và từ bi của dân tộc Miến Điện, các giá trị được chia sẻ trên tất cả các truyền thốngtâm linh lớn, như các quốc giabao gồm cả những thách thức phải đối mặt riêng của bất công và thành kiến.
Cảm ơn ngài đã quan tâm đến vấn đề này , nó có ảnh hưởng rất nhiều đến cuộc sống của dân chúng Miến Điện.
Rất trân trọng,
Dr. Jack Kornfield, Spirit Rock Center. Woodacre, CA Hozan Alan Senauke, International Network of Engaged Buddhists Berkeley, CA Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, Chair, Buddhist Global Relief (BGR), President, Buddhist Association of the United States (BAUS), Chuang Yen Monastery, Carmel NY Dr. Robert Tenzin Thurman, Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, Dharma teacher, Menla Mountain Retreat Center, Phoenicia NY Dr. Reggie Ray, Dharma Ocean Foundation, Boulder and Crestone, CO B. Alan Wallace, Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies, CA Lama Surya Das, Spiritual Director, Dzogchen Center, Cambridge, MA Gina Sharpe, New York Insight Meditation Center, NY, MY Carol Wilson, Insight Meditation Society, Barre, MA Joseph Goldstein, Insight Meditation Society, Barre, MA Dr. Rick Hansen, San Rafael, CA Will Kabat-Zinn, Spirit Rock Mediation Center, Woodacre, CA Dr. Donald Rothberg, Spirit Rock Center, Woodacre, CA Gil Fronsdal, Insight Meditation Center, Redwood City, CA Lama Palden. Sukkhasiddhi Fdtn. Fairfax Trudy Goodman, InsightLA, Los Angeles, CA Tara Brach, Insight Meditation Center, Washington, DC Sylvia Boorstein, Spirit Rock Center, Woodacre, CA Roshi Joan Halifax, Abbot, Upaya Zen Center Pamela Weiss, SF Insight, San Francisco, Ca Sebene Selassie, director New York Insight Meditation Center, New York, NY Venerable Dr. Pannavati, Co-Abbot, Embracing Simplicity Hermitage Venerable Pannadipa, co-abbot, Embracing Simplicity Hermitage Acharya C Dhammaratana, Embracing Simplicity Hermitage Susie Harrington, Desert Dharma, Moab, UT Steve Armstrong, Vipassana Metta Foundation, Maui, HI Kamala Masters, Vipassana Metta Foundation, Maui, HI Matthew Brensilver, PhD, Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society , San Francisco, CA Jane Baraz, Berkeley, CA Art Jolly, Oakland, CA Dr. Nikki Mirghafori, Spirit Rock Center, Woodacre, CA Narayan Helen Liebenson, Cambridge Insight Meditation Center Cambridge, MA Konda Mason, East Bay Meditation Center, Oakland, CA Maureen Shannon-Chapple, InsightLA, CA Kokyo Henkel, Santa Cruz Zen Center, CA Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara, Village Zendo, NY, NY Santacitta Bhikkhuni, Aloka Vihara, Placerville, CA Kate Lila Wheeler, Compassion Sangha Somerville, MA Tempel Smith Spirit Rock Center. Woodacre, CA JoAnna Harper, Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society, Los Angeles, CA Erin Treat, Durango Dharma Center, Durango, CO Richard Shankman, Spirit Rock Center, Woodacre, CA Gregory Scharf, Insight Meditation Society, Barre MA Ralph Steele. Buddhists of New Mexico Stan Lombardo, Kansas Zen Center, KS Daishin McCabe, Soto Zen Buddhism George Pitagorsky, NY Insight Meditation Center, NY Zipporah Portugal, Insight Meditation Society NYC, NY Kirsten Rudestam, Insight Santa Cruz, CA Kathryn Turnipseed, Albuquerque, NM Bill Spangle, Kagyu Changchub Chuling, Portland, OR Dora DeCoursey, Kagyu Changchub Chuling, Portland, OR Lori Wong, Insight Meditation Central Valley, Modesto, CA Kirtan Coan, Winston Salem Dharma Community, NC Rev. Gaelyn Godwin, Houston Zen Center, Houston, TX Claire Stanley, Ph.D., Vermont Insight Meditation Center, Brattleboro, VT Rev Christine Palmer, Soto Zen, Mill Valley, CA Jeanne and Steve Lowry, Gathering Waters Sangha, Milwaukee WI Rev. Eido Frances Carney, Olympia Zen Center, Olympia, WA La Sarmiento, Insight Meditation Community of Washington, MD Gordon Peerman, Insight Nashville, TN Ruby Grad, Portland Insight, Portland, OR Dr Pawan Bareja, East Bay Meditation Center, Oakland, CA Ann Buck, InsightLA, Los Angeles, CA Janice Clarfield, WestCoast Dharma John Mifsud, East Bay Meditation Center, Oakland, CA Ayya Dhammadhira, Mahpapajapati Monastery, Pioneertown, CA Rev. Judith Randall, San Francisco Zen Center, CA Wildecy de Fatima Jury, EBMC, Oakland, CA Daniel Bowling, Spirit Rock Center, Woodacre, CA Shell Fischer, Insight Meditation Center, Washington DC William (bill) Brooks, Insight Meditation Community of Fredericksburg, VA Gary Buck, PhD., Spirit Rock Center, Woodacre, CA Francesca Morfesis, Insight Meditation Society, Barre, MA Elizabeth Rapaport, Albuquerque Vipassana Sangha , NM Jundo Cohen, Treeleaf Sangha John Blackburn, Tennessee Community of Mindfulness, TN Deborah Ratner Helzer, Insight Meditation Community of Washington, MD Vanee Songsiridej, MD, Peace Sangha, WI Ron Vereen. Durham, NC (Triangle Insight Meditation Community) Gary Singer, New York Insight, NY Susan Orr, Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group, CA Dosho Port, Great Tides Zen, Portland, ME Cornelia Santschi, Newark Community Meditation Center, Newark NJ Katy Wiss, Westchester Insight Meditation Community, Danbury, CT Maureen Fallon-Cyr, Durango Dharma Center, CO Lesley Grant, Marin Mindfulness Institute , CA Oren J. Sofer, Oakland, CA Susan Bachman, Insight Meditation Center, Redwood City, CA Don Morreale. Colorado Insight Meditation Community, CO Carol Cook, Prescott Vipassana Sangha – Prescott, AZ Patricia Dai-En Bennage, Mt. Equity Zendo, Jiho-an, Muncy, PA Zenkei Blanche Hartman, San Francisco Zen Center, CA Katherine Barr, Durango Dharma Center. CO Judith Roitman (Zen Master Bon Hae), Kansas Zen Center, KS Rev. Nonin Chowaney, Nebraska Zen Center / Heartland Temple, NE Ocean Gate Zen Center Shinshu Roberts/Jaku Kinst Sharon Beckman-Brindley, Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville, VA Denis Martynowych, Seattle WA, Seattle Insight Meditation Society Richard A. Heckler, PhD, Pundarika Foundation, CA Mary Helen Fein, Mountain Stream Meditation, Nevada City, CA Linda Ruth Cutts , San Francisco Zen Center / Green Gulch Farm Zen Center / Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, CA Amy Selzer, New York Insight Meditation Center, NY Ani Gilda Paldrön Taylor, Portland Sakya Center, Portland, OR Janet Lipner, Buddhist Peace Fellowship Kate Wylie, Vermont Insight Meditation Center, VT Shinchi Linda Galijan, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center Howard Cohn, Mission Dharma, San Francisco, CA Susan Ezequelle, Insight Meditation Center Rikki Asher, Chan Meditation Center, Rego Park, NY Charmaine Henderson. New York Insight Meditation Center and North Fork of Long Island Insight Meditation Sangha Rev. Edward Keido Sanshin Oberholtzer, Lewisburg, PA Joseph Priestley Zen Sangha Shinge Roko Sherry Chayat, Abbot, Zen Studies Society, Livingston Manor, NY Caverly Morgan, One House of Peace, Portland, OR Charles A. Lingo, Jr True Seal of Virtue, Chan An Duc, Breathing Heart Sangha, Mindfulness Practice Center of Atlanta, Decatur GA Stephen Brown, Berkeley CA Lisa Ernst, One Dharma Nashville, TN Susan Kaiser Greenland, Inner Kids, CA Keri Pederson, Seattle Insight Meditation Society, WA Tenney Nathanson (Sensei), Desert Rain Zen, Tucson, AZ Rev Furyu Schroeder, Abiding Abbess, Green Gulch Farm, San Francisco Zen Center, CA Debra Seido Martin, Zen West/ Empty Field Zendo, Eugene, OR Santussika Bhikkhuni, Karuna Buddhist Vihara, Mt. View, CA Arthur Silacci, Prescott Vipassana Sangha, Prescott, AZ Rev. Therese Fitzgerald, Dharma Friends, Maui, Hawai’i Alicia Dougherty, Prescott Vispassana Sangha, Prescott, AZ Toni Greene Camille Hykes, Natural Dharma Fellowship, Boston, MA Anna Suil, Santa Cruz, CA Shinzen Young, Vipassana Support International Deborah Alberty, Vipassana Sangha Richard Brady, Mountains and Rivers Mindfulness Community. David Lawson, Still Mountain Buddhist Meditation Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan Martha Wooding-Young Barbara Casey Chan Linh Thong, True Spiritual Communication, Peaceful Refuge Sangha, Ashland, OR Kristi Holmstrom Dr. Karen Hilsberg, Order of Interbeing, Culver City, CA Laura Goldstein Rik Center, Mindfulness Care Center, San Francisco, CA Myokei Caine-Barrett Shonin, Myoken-ji Temple/Nichiren Buddhist Sangha of Texas Houston, TX Ernestine Enomoto, Honolulu Mindfulness Community, Honolulu, Hawaii Helen C. Morgan, Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley Rev. Keiryu Lien Shutt, AccessToZen.org Kristen Larson, NO Sangha – Diamond Sangha lineage, Port Angeles WA Lhundup Jamyang (Marleen Schreuders), FPMT Shastri David Stone, Chicago Shambhala Andrew Palmer, Sensei, Open Source Zen (Vast Refuge Sangha, Wet Mountain Sangha, Springs Mountain Sangha), Colorado Springs, CO Douglas Kaishin Phillips; Empty Sky Sangha; West Cornwall, CT and Lexington, MA George Bowman Zen Priest, Furnace Mountain Zen Community, Clay City, KY Joan Sutherland, Roshi, Awakened Life & The Open Source, Santa Fe, NM Younes Mourchid, Spirit Rock, Woodacre, CA Leslie Baron Gretchen Neve, Shambhala Center of Chicago Jeanne Anselmo, Plum Village Tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh Leslie Rawls, Dharma teacher, Charlotte (NC) Community of Mindfulness Kenn Duncan, Prescott Vipassana Sangha, AZ
Mahin Charles, San Francisco, CA Ven. Bodhin Kjolhede, Abbot, Rochester Zen Center, Rochester, New York. Shoyo Taniguchi, Ph.D. Kaye Cleave, San Francisco, CA Jill Allen Cynthia Loucks, Prescott Sangha, Prescott, AZ Tubten Pende, Santa Cruz, CA Annik Brunet, Sukhasiddhi Foundation, Fairfax, California Jack Lawlor, Lakeside Buddha Sangha, Evanston, Illinois David I. Rome Myoshin Kelley Susan Antipa Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Zen Center of NYC Venerable Chang Wen, Buddhist Monk, Dharma Drum Retreat Center, Pine Bush, NY Noah Levine, Against The Stream Buddhist Meditation Society, Los Angeles, CA Ann Barden, Insight Meditation Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI Karen Drimay Gudmundsson, Gelongma FPMT, Land of Medicine Buddha Rev. Konin Melissa Cardenas, John Yates PhD Dharma Treasure Buddhist Sangha, Upasaka Culadasa Susannah Freeman White Glenda Hodges-Cook, Louisville Vipassana Community, KY Dr. Gareth Sparham Philip Davidson & Kay Davidson, Mindfulness Meditation For Richmond Tsechen Ling, University of Michigan, University of California Ruben L.F. Habito, Maria Kannon Zen Center, Dallas, TX Gerry Shishin Wick, Roshi, Great Mountain Zen Center, Berthoud, CO Nancy Baker,NY, NY, No Traces Zendo Jacqueline Mandell, Samden Ling, Portland, OR Ethan Nichtern Bruce Wilding Rev. Shinkyo Will Warner, Lexington Nichiren Buddhist Community, KY Michael Schwammberger – Chan Phap Son B. Alan Wallace, Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies Tim Olmstead, The Pema Chodron Foundation, The Buddhist Center of Steamboat Springs. CO Dr Daniel M. Ingram, MD Sheridan Adams, IMCB Tim Geil, Seattle Insight Meditation Society Gyalten Palmo, Tse Chen Ling Center Jonathan Landaw, Land of Medicine Buddha, Soquel, CA Dr. Libby Howell, Desert Lotus Sangha, Phoenix, AZ Rev. Ronald Kobata, Buddhist Church of San Francisco, SF, CA Lorne Ladner, PhD. Guhyasamaja Buddhist Center. John Dooley, Prescott Vippasana Sangha, AZ David Chernikoff; Boulder, CO; Insight Meditation Community of Colorado Maria Janca, Sangha in Prescott AZ Josh Korda, Dharmapunx New York + Againsthestream Chas Macquarie, President, DZIMC Stephanie Tate, Glass City Dharma, Toledo, OH Rev. Henry Toryo Adams, San Mateo Buddhist Temple, San Mateo, CA Kenneth Folk Rev. Maia Duerr, Upaya Zen Center, AZ Matthew Daniell, IMS, Barre MA & IMC Newburyport, MA, Dr. Nicholas Ribush, Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, Lincoln MA Dharmacharini Viveka Chen, Triratna Buddhist Order, SF, CA Amy Miller, Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) Ani Samten Palmo, Sebastopol, California Helen Farrar, IMCW, Buena Vista, VA Jill Shepherd, IMS, Barre, MAr. Danny Fisher, Greensboro, NC Chan Phap Tri, Rose Apple Society’s Center for Contemplative Practice, VT Dr. Jan Willis, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, GA Anne Klein /Lama Rigzin Drolma, Dawn Mountain Tibetan Buddhist Center, Houston, TX Leslie(Lhasha) Tizer, Insight Meditation Tucson, AZ John Orr and the New Hope Sangha Jill Hyman, Insight Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women Grace Gilliam, East Bay Meditation Center, Oakland, CA Erin Selover, Berkeley, CA Wendy Garling, Garden of Dharma, Concord, MA Rev. Nomon Tim Burnett, Red Cedar Zen Community, Bellingham, WA Rachelle Quimby, Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA Terry Ray, Insight Meditation Community of CO Ed Mushin Russell, Prairie Zen Center, Champaign, IL Caitrìona Reed & Michele Benzamin-Miki, Manzanita Village Barbara Brodsky, Deep Spring Center, Ann Arbor MI Roberta Orlando, San Francisco, CA Marinell Daniel, Woodacre, CA Koshin Paley Ellison, New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care, NY Joel Levey Michael Dempsey, Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley, CA Augusta Hopkins, San Francisco Insight, CA Rodney Smith, Seattle Insight Meditation Society, WA Jason Murphy-Pedulla, Insight Santa Cruz, CA Amma Thanasanti Bhikkhuni, Awakening Truth, Colorado Springs CO Esteban and Tressa Hollander Rev. Myo-O Marilyn Habermas-Scher, Dharma Dance Sangha in Minneapolis, MN Wendy Zerin, MD, Insight Community of Colorado Boulder, CO, Rev. Wendy Egyoku Nakao Cynthia McAfee, Kensington, CA, Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley Deborah Kory, Berkeley, CA Joseph Curran, Insight Meditation Center of the Mid-Peninsula, CA Rev Joan Hogetsu Hoeberichts, Heart Circle Sangha, Ridgewood, NJ Samu Sunim, Zen Buddhist Temple, New York, NY David Rynick, Abbot, Boundless Way Zen Temple, Worcester, MA Larry Mermelstein, Nalanda Translation Committee Sarah Bender, Springs Mountain Sangha, Colorado Springs, CO Deborah Todd Elizabeth Hird, Spirit Rock Meditation Center Hai Nguyen, Sinh Thuc Meditation Center, Wardensville, WV Eric Rodriguez, Ventura, CA Pamela Kirby, Redwood Valley, CA John Makransky, Foundation for Active Compassion, Bodhipaksa Triratna Buddhist Order, NH Diane Perea, Berkeley CA Ven. Seikai Luebke, Pine Mountain Buddhist Temple, Maricopa, CA Gail Ganino, Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, Berkeley, CA Ajahn Prasert Avissaro, Wat Buddhanusorn, Thai Buddhist Temple, Fremont, CA Liz Brown, Berkeley, CA Mushim Patricia Ikeda, East Bay Meditation Center Bruce Kristal Tulku Sherab Dorje, Blazing Wisdom Institute Bhiksuni Thubten Chodron, Sravasti Abbey, Newport WA Rev. Sumi Loundon Kim, Buddhist Families of Durham, Durham, NC James Baraz, Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley (IMCB) & Spirit Rock Meditation Center Chris Crotty, Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society, Cloucester, MA Rev. Heng Sure, Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, Berkeley, CA Diana Winston, UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center Heather Sundberg, Mountain Stream Meditation Center, Nevada City, CA Kenneth Keiyu Ford, Clouds in Water Zen Center, St. Paul, MN Diana Lion, Berkeley, CA Guy Armstrong, Spirit Rock Center, Woodacre, CA Erin O’Connor, New York Insight, Brooklyn NY Hal Nathan, San Francisco, CA, Partners Asia Anushka Fernandopulle, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, CA Charmi Neely, Mindfulness Meditation Group of Staunton-Waynesboro, and Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville, CA Dr. Janice Sheppard, Madison Insight Meditation Group/Madison Vipassana, Inc., Madison Metropolitan Area, WI Byakuren Judith Ragir, Clouds in Water Zen Center, St. Paul, MN Charles Agle, Insight Meditation Community of Washington, Washington, DC Amy Predmore, Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville, Charlottesville, VA Wes Nisker, Spirit Rock, Woodacre, CA & YogaKula in Berkeley, CA Gendo Allyn Field, Upper Valley Zen Center, White River Junction, VT Rev’d James Ishmael Ford, Boundless Way Zen Buddhist Network, Providence, RI Sosan Theresa Flynn, Clouds in Water Zen Center, St. Paul, MN Rev. Jill Kaplan, Zen Heart Sangha, Woodside, CA Jennifer Stanley, Insight Meditation Community of Washington, Washington, D.C. Rev. Genjo Marinello, Seattle Zen Temple Josho Pat Phelan, Chapel Hill Zen Center, Chapel Hill, NC Silvia Garcia Pereira, Insight Meditation Community of Washington, Mitra Bishop, Mountain Gate, Ojo Sarco NM Rev .Jisho Warner, Stone Creek Zen Center Anna Roudebush, Insight Fort Wayne, IN William F. Mies, Arnold, MD Barbara A. Lahman, North Manchester, IN Ann Herington Iris Diaz, Oakland, CA Peter Schneider Tamara Dyer Rev Robert Schaibly/Brother True Deliverance, The Order of Interbeing Angie Boiss, Floating Zendo, San Jose, CA Kay Davidson Eiko Joshin Carolyn Atkinson, Everyday Dharma Zen Center, Santa Cruz CA Marjorie Markus, NYC, Community of Mindfulness Kathy Schwerin, Community Dharma Leader, Dharma Zephyr Insight Meditation Community Haju Sunim/ Linda Lundquist, Zen Buddhist Temple, Ann Arbor, MI Catherine Brousseau, Insight Meditation Community of Washington Rev. Zenki Mary Mocine, Abbess Vallejo Zen Center, Vallejo, CA Les Kaye, Kannon Do Zen Center, Mt. View, CA Rev. Domyo Burk, Bright Way Zen, Portland Oregon Devi Weisenberg, Inverness, CA, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, CA Taigen Dan Leighton, Ancient Dragon Zen Gate, Chicago, IL Dr. Bill Knight, Muskoka Mindfulness Community Manny Mansbach, Vermont Insight Meditation Center Cornelia Shonkwiler, Middle Way Zen, San Jose, CA Susan Lee Bady, Brooklyn Sangha of New York Insight Meditation Center, NY David Silver, Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville, VA Tonen O’Connor, Milwaukee Zen Center, WI Daniel Terragno, Rocks & Clouds Zendo, Sebastopol, CA Trish Magyari, Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW), Baltimore, MD Joen Snyder O’Neal, Compassionate Ocean Dharma Center, Brooklyn Center, MN Barbara Rhodes, Kwan Um School of Zen Stephanie Golden, Brooklyn NY and of NY Insight Meditation Center Jennifer Jordan, IMCW Family Program Abby Cassell, NewYork Insight, Brooklyn Sangha Elizabeth Fryer, St Louis Insight Ann Pendley, Knoxville Insight Meditation, TN David Flint, Dharmacarya, New York City, NY Jon Aaron, New York Insight Meditation Center, NY David Loy Jim Dalton Robert Beatty, Portland Insight Meditation Community Debra Kerr, Oakland, CA, Alameda Sangha and East Bay Meditation Center, CA Merra Young, Rivers’ Way Meditation Center, TCVC, Common Ground Meditation Center, Minneapolis, MN Nina Wise, San Rafael, CA Soren Gordhammer, Santa Cruz, CA Jill and Bruce Hyman Gil Fronsdal, IMC Redwood City, CA Meg Agnew, Dharma Wisdom Seattle Sangha Kitsy Schoen, East Bay Meditation Center Ellen Furnari, PhD, Buddhist Pathways Prison Project, Solano prison, Vacaville, CA. Hugh Byrne, PhD, Insight Meditation Community of Washington, Silver Spring, MD Chaplain Eileen Phillips, BCCC, Mt Stream Meditation Center and Spirit Rock Meditation Center, CA Tere Abdala-Romano Bob Stahl, Guiding Teacher Insight Santa Cruz, CA Frank Ostaseski, Founder, Metta Institute, CA Jayla Klein, Insight Santa Cruz, CA Anna Douglas, Spirit Rock, Woodacer, CA Philip L. Jones, Silent Mind Open Heart Sangha, Columbia, MO Jennifer Kim, New York, NY Leslie Tremaine Rebekah Laros, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, CA Brian Lesage, Flagstaff Vipassana Meditation Group, AZ Nina Nagy, New Canaan, CT Gregory Gerber Jeff Scannell, Montpelier Insight Meditation, VT Elaine Retholtz, New York Insight Meditation Center, NY Laura Crawford Hofer, Eugene, OR Tina Rasmussen, Ph.D., Awakening Dharma, San Francisco Bay Area, CA Anne Briggs, Insight Meditation Community of Chestertown, Chestertown, MD Alice Alldredge, Open Door Sangha, Santa Barbara , CA Devon Hase, Madison City Sangha Nancy Hilyard, Oceano, CA Berget Jelane, San Jose Insight Meditation, CA Barbara Poe, Prescott Vipassana Sangha, Prescott, AZ Kerry Walsh, San Anselmo, CA Luke Lundemo, Jackson MS Meditation Group, MS Jai Uttal, San Anselmo, CA Tomi Kobara, Awakening in Deep Refuge sangha – East Bay, CA Nancy Taylor, Teton Sangha, Jackson Hole, WY Elissa Epel, Ph.D., UCSF, San Francisco, CA Russell Long, Ph.D., San Francisco, CA Sakula Mary Reinard, Portland Friends of the Dhamma, Portland, OR Michele Ku, Yes, East Bay Meditation Center, Berkeley, CA Betsy Rose, Berkeley CA & Spirit Rock Meditation Center Gayle Markow, San Francisco, CA Philippe Daniel Arpita Brown Jessica Graham, Eastside Mindfulness Meditation , Los Angeles, CA
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